The Nightmare
from Beyond

Is a cosmic-horror third person platformer inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft.

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The Nightmare from Beyond is a cosmic-horror third person platformer inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft. You take on the role of Sanja, a young woman from the D'nyg race, as she explores a mysterious land in search for her sister, Dajana. There, Sanja will decipher what that place is, what is happening there, and why her sister was taken. She'll also be in constant danger, for unspeakable horrors are watching her every move. The Nightmare from Beyond is being developed by The Domaginarium, a game development studio located in El Salvador and creators of Enola. The game combines elements from Lovecraftian horror and platforming gameplay to deliver an intriguing and twisted experience that will stick in your head long after you've finished playing.


Face the Nightmare:

Uncover an oppressive and gripping tale about corruption and inmorality, inspired by different works of the Lovecraft mythos.

Survive the horrors:

Make your way through a dangerous land, with unspeakable dreads that are worse than death itself.

Explore diverse environments:

Immerse yourself in different labyrinthine areas, from mysterious ancient temples to quaint alien locations.




©2016-2017 The Domaginarium, Inc.

Design by Domaginarium.